Jarno Eerola

Co-Founder @ Blockhearts.com

Jarno Eerola is a startup artist who has released AI-created music since 2010, launching the startup Aitokaiku that “turns things into music.” In the music scene, he has turned the DNA of the Ebola virus into music and wrote the first number one hit song for DJ Hell.

He’s given a name to a South African club and is the author of a book about butterflies designing Blockchain’s startups. Jarno both talks and works with animals and nature – turning their visions into human and life-solving problems.

As a surfer searching for the perfect wave, Jarno is continually looking for his next “big blue” wave.

Sessions with Jarno Eerola

4th Sep 2020

12:30 - 12:45 (CET)

15 mins


Bouncing Back from Startup Meltdowns

Startup meltdowns are common but often unspoken about. Jarno Eerola talks about how he bounced back from his.


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