Rohit Agarwal

Founder @ First Loop

Rohit Agarwal is the founder and Innovation Facilitator of First Loop, expertly connecting remote teams and holding fun and collaborative workshops. He has a background at several well-established companies such as Copperberg and Bombardier. With rich experience in the online events boom – we think he’s the perfect fit to launch UPPSTART!

We’re excited to announce that Rohit will kick off this year’s UPPSTART event, hosting a workshop on how to get the most value out of the event in its new virtual format.

Sessions with Rohit Agarwal

4th Sep 2020

10:15 - 10:30 (CET)

15 mins


Workshop on Getting the Maximum Value from Online Events

An interactive workshop on how to get the maximum value out of this year’s UPPSTART event in the new virtual format.


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