How Should You Think About Branding as a Startup

Being an entrepreneur is like being a firefighter. Constantly putting out fires in the different departments of their company.

So why should they focus on branding?! They’ve got enough on their plate already!

Between meetings on strategy, recruitment, raising capital, how on earth could they invest time to optimize branding?!

But it’s an investment worth making, says Ida Svenonius.

Ida runs a brand impact agency ‘Becoming’ ( based in Berlin. They work with tech startups to teach the importance of branding even from an early stage.

Ida is going to discuss why and when a startup needs to consider branding itself, linking examples of past success cases, before analyzing how branding can work for other areas of the start-up, and whether brands should use agencies or go in-house for best results.

Never before has attention been such a precious commodity for brands. Branding may not be the most pressing issue to deal with in a start-up, but it’s always there, one way or another, and Ida is going to show us how to deal with it.


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