David Lundgren Fetah

Partner @ Refurbly

David is a true entrepreneur at heart, he is the co-founder of Refurbly. He started the company in 2019 after wanting to improve sustainability in the telecom industry.

He started selling refurbished phones at 14 and hasn’t looked back since then.

What makes the story even more inspiring, is that just 5 years ago, David was working in a fast food restaurant. Since then, experience as a partner at multiple tech firms has lined him with the experience he needs to make Refurbly the success it is today.

Sessions with David Lundgren Fetah

3rd Dec 2021

15:15 - 15:25 (CET)

10 mins


Stockholm Business Alliance Showcase: Refurbly

Hear the story of the work Refurbly are doing to improve sustainability in the mobile phone industry.


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